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Frequently Asked Questions

What are Mother Tinctures?

Mother Tinctures are the first extraction and distillation from the original herb. They are the most pure and fastest absorbing into your system through your skin.

What is the difference between Mother Tinctures and Essential Oils?

Mother Tinctures are extracted into a grain alcohol/water base and essential oils are extracted into an oil base. Due to the composition of the oils, they are absorbed into your system through your skin much more slowly.

What is the carrier in Chapman's Premium?

Witch Hazel is the carrier. It acts extremely quickly and carries the Mother Tinctures directly to the source of the pain, almost on contact. Clients have mentioned that DMSO does not eliminate the pain or reach the depth that Chapman's Premium does.

What is the active ingredient in Chapman's?

All nine herbs are active ingredients. The carrier is witch hazel. Each herb is an anti-inflammatory as well as carrying another property addressing a common injury or ailment.

What does Homeopathic Compatible mean?

Homeopathic remedies are based on dilutions of the Mother Tinctures. As these are not dilutions, they are not homeopathic. Homeopathic remedies are extremely susceptible to strong scents such as mint, menthol, eucalyptus, tea tree, rosemary, lavender etc. Any strong scent will nullify the effect of homeopathic remedies. Most naturapaths advise patients not to use any liniments while on homeopathic remedies. For example, if you were to be taking Arnica internally, and were to use A 535 on your body, the scent will nullify the effects of the Arnica. Chapman's Premium doesn¹t have any strong scent that will interfere with homeopathic remedies and is completely safe to use in conjunction with them.

How does it work?

The Witch Hazel carries the 8 other herbs directly to the source of the pain/inflammation. For most people, relief is almost instantaneous. For some people with chronic pain, relief is immediate, but may last only a few hours. However, with frequent use, Chapman's accumulates in the system and most people find they can reduce the frequency over a short period of time. Some to once or twice a day, others to every three or four days. In some cases, weeks and months have gone by before use is required again.

Does it only work on muscles? Or arthritis?

It seems to work on almost everything! People with migraine headaches use it on the back of their necks and temples, MS sufferers say it's the only thing that relieves the ache in their muscles. For strained muscles, tendons, ligaments, arthritis, rheumatism, restless legs, muscle spasms, menstrual cramps, sore knees, tendonitis, tennis elbow, swelling and itchiness caused by bug bites, skin allergies - the list seems endless.


© Chapman's Premium Natural Healing Liniment